NOTE: Does not seem to work in Google Chrome (not sure if this is a common problem with WebGL games or if I'm just building it wrong). Works in Microsoft Edge.

This is my submission for Week 3 of Create With Code Live 2020 at:

A complete unitypackage has also been uploaded below for anyone who would like to download and inspect the package in their Unity. There is also a 'scripts only' zip that has just the code to read if you're not interested in opening it in Unity.

I have heavily commented the code and am proud of the backend enhancements I made over the original tutorial presented in the course, so please take a look! I especially would like fellow course members and other new Unity coders to see it. 

Using an object pool and event-driven code is probably overkill for something this small, but I'm really interested in those concepts and wanted to put them into action. I'm very proud of the result.

Made with Unity 2018.4.25f1.


CWCPrototype3_by_technitaur.unitypackage 11 MB
Download 10 kB

Install instructions

When importing the Unity package, there are two scenes in the assets: 'splash' and 'Prototype 3'. The actual game is in Prototype 3. 'splash' is just the intro screen that talks about the premise and controls. Make sure to include both scenes in the proper order if you build the project yourself.


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I really like that and it's fun. Nice with the sound, the counter and the buttons. Well balanced too - great!

Nice job with the pixel art assets. I like how the difficulty ramps up